Elevate Your Internal Communications with Episodic Content

In the fast-paced world of internal communications, capturing and retaining your audience's attention is paramount. 

One powerful tool in your arsenal? Series or episodic content!

Beyond simply informing, episodic content has the potential to engage, inspire, and build a loyal audience. 

Here's why your organisation should consider diving into the world of series content, and how Superla can help you maximise its benefits.

Maximising Budgets and Efficiency

Producing multiple episodes on a single shoot day is a savvy way to optimise your budget and resources. By planning and strategically scheduling shoots, you can minimise costs (less shoot days) while maximising output (more video subjects and content). Our team specialises in efficient production methods, ensuring that each shoot day yields a treasure trove of content to fuel your series.

Building Trust 

Authenticity is the key when it comes corporate communication. By featuring the voices and experiences of your colleagues, you can create content that resonates on a deeper level. From sharing success stories to showcasing everyday moments, storytelling humanises your organisation and fosters trust among your audience. Our expertise in narrative development and interview techniques ensures that your colleagues' voices shine through in every episode.

Strategic Content Coverage

Creating a series provides a forum to cover a range of topics strategically, rather than relying on ad hoc content creation. By mapping out a content calendar and identifying key themes, you can ensure that each episode serves a purpose and contributes to your overarching communication goals. Our team can help you develop a strategic framework for your series, ensuring that each episode aligns with your objectives and resonates with your audience.

Establishing a Dedicated Channel

Consistency is vital when it comes to building an audience. By creating a dedicated channel for your series, you provide a centralised hub for your content and make it easily accessible to your audience. Whether it's an internal platform or a curated playlist on your company's website, a dedicated channel reinforces your brand identity and encourages repeat engagement.

Get in touch with us to explore how we can elevate your video content strategy and generate fresh ideas for your series. Whether you need support with idea generation, production, or editing, we're here to help bring your vision to life.